Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (Brown Spots) – DPN CO2 Laser Treatment


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Demratosis Papulosa Nigra is a common condition of the skin whereby clusters of pigmented dark spots appear on the ski, usually the face. DPN usually effects those of African, Caribbean and Asian heritage, although can affect those of other backgrounds. DPN can be considered a benign form of an epithelial tumour.

Where in the body is most effected by DPN? – DPN is nearly solely visible on the face, upper trunk and neck of both women and men.  The benign growths can occur due to ageing, appearing as black or brown bumps, these are often mistaken as moles. Due to benign nature of DPN they do not usually require medical treatment but due to the formation of the bumps in large formation they can become an aesthetic issue for some.

If you feel that DPN has affected your every day life, be it psychologically or physiologically, Eve Clinics in London, Harley Street, offers a fantastic treatment which takes advantage of the sophisticated technology, namely the DEKA CO2 laser, to remove the bumps effectively. As the CO2 Laser treatment is tried and tested and has shown proven results it is the perfect go to treatment for anyone looking to remove the DPN in safe way that is non-invasive to its non-surgical nature. DPN removal with the CO2 Laser treatment at Eve Clinics in London, Harley Street, uses high-intensity monochromatic beam of light to effectively eliminate the brown spots in the affected areas of the skin to which correction of the natural pigmentation of the skin is restored. In addition, the laser simultaneously produces the natural collagen found in the skin which in turn permits the natural development of the new skin cells. From here, the lesions are removed to show a result of smoother, clear looking skin.

As mentioned, our laser treatments are non-surgical and non-invasive which means the recovery period is greatly reduced for this type of treatment. As each individual is different in make-up a consultation is provided and, in most cases, recommended. This is so the experienced specialist is able to asses the DPN and provide you with an affective treatment plan. The consultation provided is also incredibly helpful to you as it is the perfect time to ask any questions you may have. This can either be about the treatment itself or if you are concerned about DPN to talk to a specialist to discuss options with you.

If you think you have DPN and wish to talk to our specialists at Eve Clinics in London, Harley Street, in a safe, confident and comfortable environment then do not hesitate to give us a call or drop us an email to book your first consultation.