

Intimate skin whitening/lightening laser treatment

By |February 15th, 2018|Categories: Intimate Laser Rejuvenation|

Intimate skin whitening/lightening laser treatment Even though this may be a sensitive subject for many to talk about, more and more women resort to intimate skin whitening laser treatments because they want to remove unwanted, unaesthetic darker-coloured skin that surrounds their intimate area, mostly for cosmetic reasons. This dark tissue can be caused by ageing, a bacterial infection, [...]

Vaginal rejuvenation laser treatment with MonaLisa Touch®

By |February 15th, 2018|Categories: Intimate Laser Rejuvenation|

Vaginal rejuvenation laser treatment with MonaLisa Touch® Many women suffer Vaginal and Genito Urinary problems in silence, unwilling and too embarrassed to even talk about these conditions. This impacts on all walks of life and affects confidence and self-esteem. In addition, childbirth, other health therapies and treatments, and the menopause can cause problems. Common conditions include: Genitourinary Syndrome [...]

Scalp Scar Management after FUT hair transplant

By |February 15th, 2018|Categories: Body Laser Treatments - Category|

Scalp Scar Management after FUT hair transplant Hair loss is an increasingly worrying issue these days, especially for men. Causes are multiple and treatments need to be efficient. Surgical hair transplants FUT are the most effective, but the procedure comes at a high price, both financially and with scarring. In general, a standard surgical hair transplant procedure implies [...]

Skin tag CO2 laser treatment

By |February 15th, 2018|Categories: Body Laser Treatments - Category|

Skin tag CO2 laser treatment Skin tags are common, harmless skin growths attached to the skin by a small peduncle or stalk. Common in both men and women, generally over the age of 50, skin tags appear mostly on the neck, groin area, armpits, eyelids, thighs and sometimes even underneath the breasts. Because they are harmless, skin tags [...]

CO2 laser cosmetic mole removal

By |February 15th, 2018|Categories: Body Laser Treatments - Category|

CO2 laser cosmetic mole removal Moles are an increasingly unsightly cosmetic issue that people deal. Although a certain number of moles are normal, you may be one of those individuals who is bothered by their position, size or appearance. Mole removal has become a common treatment lately due to the advances in medicine and cosmetics, which is why, if [...]

Tummy tuck skin tightening co2 laser therapy

By |February 15th, 2018|Categories: Body Laser Treatments - Category|

Tummy tuck skin tightening co2 laser therapy Tummy tucks or abdominoplasties are performed to remove excess fat and skin after childbirth or weight loss and is quite an invasive surgical procedure. A tummy tuck will leave you with a rather visible and unaesthetic scar, if you are not also getting cosmetic surgery afterwards. Our specialists at Eve Clinics [...]

Body skin tightening CO2 cosmetic treatment

By |February 15th, 2018|Categories: Body Laser Treatments - Category|

Body skin tightening CO2 cosmetic treatment Saggy skin may cause you to lose self-confidence and hinder you from enjoying social situations with your friends and family. We are all powerless against the passing of time, but we can now correct certain imperfections and restore the beauty of our skin in a non-surgical and minimally invasive way. Eve Clinic [...]

Stretch marks CO2 laser treatment

By |February 15th, 2018|Categories: Body Laser Treatments - Category|

Stretch marks CO2 laser treatment Caused by pregnancy, puberty or sudden weight gain, stretch marks are an unaesthetic issue that a lot of people deal with, especially women, making them feel uncomfortable and very self-conscious of their presence. Stretch marks can appear on the breasts, thighs, upper arms, belly, lower back and on the sides, and appear as [...]

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