Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (Brown Spots) – DPN CO2 Laser Treatment
Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (Brown Spots) – DPN CO2 Laser Treatment Demratosis Papulosa Nigra is a common condition of the skin whereby clusters of pigmented dark spots appear on the ski, usually the face. DPN usually effects those of African, Caribbean and Asian heritage, although can affect those of other backgrounds. DPN can be considered a benign form of an [...]
Could you have Xanthelasma but not sure?
Do you have whiteish-yellow plaque like build up around the eyelids? Not sure what they are? It could be Xanthelasma Could you have Xanthelasma but not sure? It’s one of those thigs that many people can have but not quite sure what they are! Xanthelasma is a skin condition which is characterised by yellowish-white plaque like material which [...]
RF Cosmetic Treatments
RF Treatments Over the last few years RF non-surgical skin treatments has increase dramatically, providing an efficient and minimally invasive solution to many people seeking positive cosmetic results. Eve Clinics in London, Harley Street, offers the latest in sophisticated radiofrequency treatments with one of the most advanced and innovative technologies. One of the main successes in radiofrequency is those [...]
Body skin tightening using our revolutionary Co2 cosmetic treatment
Body skin tightening using our revolutionary Co2 cosmetic treatment Excess skin is one of the main cosmetic issue people have, especially when it comes to their overall self-confidence. Fortunately, technology within the aesthetics industry has evolved majorly within the last decade giving people with these imperfections an opportunity to feel their best and regain their confidence safely and [...]
Tummy tuck skin tightening laser therapy
Tummy tuck skin tightening laser therapy Tummy tucks, namely abdominoplasties, is a procedure which endeavours to remove excess skin and residue fat around the belly. Tummy tucks are the go-to treatment for those post childbirth and weight loss. Our skin is a notorious shape shifter, when our bodies change shape it does the same. This is an incredible [...]
Don’t miss out! Find out more about our modern skin laser treatments
Don’t miss out! Find out more about our modern skin laser treatments We all know that technology is constantly changing, at a rate which at times can be hard to follow! The aesthetics industry is not exempt from this. In fact, the aesthetics industry is one of the fastest growing industries with more people looking to improve their [...]
Have you had Liposuction? Aren’t happy with post-surgery scarring? Eve Clinics in London, Harley Street can help!
Have you had Liposuction? Aren’t happy with post-surgery scarring? Eve Clinics in London, Harley Street can help! Liposuction is one of the most perfumed cosmetic surgeries, usually synonymous with rapid weight loss that has been mentioned in mainstream media for years. What a lot of people don’t know is that much like any other invasive surgery Liposuction can [...]
Post liposuction cannula scar laser removal
Post liposuction cannula scar laser removal Liposuction is a more or less invasive cosmetic surgical procedure consisting in the insertion of cannulas or hollow tubes in the targeted areas of the body for effective excess fat removal. Depending on the volume of fat to be eliminated, liposuction can either be performed under general anesthesia or a local anesthetic. Still, [...]